Certified Compliant for Covid-19

Outerbanks Cooking Service Employee Guidelines

Interim Guidance

To ensure continuity of operations of essential functions at Outerbanks cooking, CDC advises the following:

A potential exposure means being a household contact or having close contact within 6 feet of an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. The time frame for having contact with an individual includes the period of time of 48 hours before the individual became symptomatic.

Outerbanks cooking Steps taken for workers


  • Take your temperature before work.
  • Wear a face mask at all times.
  • Practice social distancing in the workplace as work duties permit.


  • Stay at work if you become sick.
  • Share headsets or objects used near face.
  • Congregate in the break room or other crowded places.

  Outerbanks Cooking Steps taken for employers


  • Take employee’s temperature and assess symptoms prior to their starting work.
  • If an employee becomes sick during the day, send them home immediately.
  • Test the use of face masks to ensure they do not interfere with workflow.
  • Increase air exchange in the building.
  • Increase the frequency of cleaning commonly touched surfaceli>